The power of a good story cannot be overstated: skillful storytelling is always a success factor when it comes to effective marketing. A story well told is a product well sold – on the one hand because a good story is easier to tell, on the other hand, because people like to hear it.

Of course, it is not about simply inventing stories: they are ultimately your history, the history of your company or, as the history of your product, a metaphor for both.

Together, we will find out what your story is and find the right tone in which to tell it.



Your product or services are unique yet still, potential customers ask themselves, "And why do I need this?" At this point, it is necessary for you to visualize how they might be used.

If you already have a satisfied customer base, it is worth creating references; if your offer is something new, you can illustrate the benefits to your customers by creating use cases.

And if you want support, you can get it from us.



"Content is king" is one of the best known expressions in marketing. It marks a paradigm shift in digital marketing, away from pushing unilateral brand messages, towards communication from the customer's perspective. Search engines prefer sites that provide users with relevant content – which is why SEO now only works with a content strategy that meets the interests of your website visitors and involves helpful content.

For this reason, content marketing includes making technical content easy to understand. Companies that offer complex solutions and products benefit particularly from external support. Decision makers from specialist areas do not need technical details, but instead an informative, easily comprehensible presentation of their usefulness. Someone who understands is someone who can make decisions. We help by providing persuasive materials.



To accelerate the conclusion of contracts, it is often necessary to integrate customer interests. In order to prepare your sales staff for different scenarios and to support them effectively, we create powerful materials which can be used as tools.

Depending on the focus, these may be battle cards for sales representatives or infographics for internal or external use.

Use our experience and help your sales team become successful.



"You never get a second chance to make a first impression" this sentence sums up all the reasons why you need a professionalized first contact.

No matter what context in which you talk to your future customers for the first time – at trade fairs, lectures, on the phone or literally in an elevator, after your 30- to 120-second elevator pitch, your customers will know who you are, what you do and how your products and services can benefit them.

Prepare various scenarios and be persuasive, informative and likeable. It will be our pleasure to help you find a balance between a natural and a professional attitude that will win over your customers.



Your salespeople are motivated but want more support? In highly competitive markets in particular, your sales representatives need a strong basis for analysis and argumentation.

The battle card contains all the basic information about the market and suitable customers, and provides the basis for arguing the benefits of your product during the sales talk. In addition – and this explains the battle card's combative name – it provides detailed information about your competitors' strategies and services.

We advise and support you with planning, researching into and creating your battle cards.