Seit dieser Woche spielen 32 Clubs in der UEFA Champions League um den Titel. Die besten Mannschaften Europas tragen ihre Duelle in der “Königsklasse” aus. Fussballerisch sind sie alle also die Besten. Beim Facebook-Auftritt sieht es dagegen schon anders aus. Wir haben uns die Seiten der 32 Champions League Clubs angeschaut und bewertet. Den Anstoß dazu gab uns unter anderem das Social Media Ranking der Bundesliga-Vereine von und die "Top 30 Teams on Facebook" von Activ8Social.
Die üblichen Verdächtigen für den fußballerischen Championstitel tummeln sich auch an der Spitze des Facebook-Rankings. Dahinter klafft aber dann schon eine größere Lücke zum Verfolgerfeld.
Generell lässt sich doch ein großer Unterschied zwischen den Top und Flop Vereinen erkennen. Selbst das Vorhandensein einer Vanity-URL ist nicht bei allen Vereinen der Fall. Andere hingegen bieten ihre Inhalte sogar in mehreren Sprachen an.
Positiv fällt auf, dass wenn sich ein Verein entscheidet, Facebook aktiv zu nutzen, er es auch wirklich aktiv umsetzt. Die Vereine haben in dieser Hinsicht alle erkannt worauf es ankommt: Kontinuität und Lieferung relevanter Informationen. Der einzige zu kritisierende Punkt wäre hier die Verteilung der Beiträge. Meistens kommen mehrere Beiträge innerhalb kurzer Zeit, wir fänden eine großzügigere zeitliche Verteilung über den Tag sinnvoller.
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Social Media Ranking - Champions League Clubs on Facebook
Since this Tuesday, 32 clubs are competing in the UEFA Champions League for the title. Those are the best teams in football. But on Facebook it’s different. We took a look at the pages of the 32 Championsleague clubs and rated them.The "Premier League social media table" by Lewis and the "Top 30 Teams on Faebook" by Activ8Social inter alia gave us the impetus for this survey.
Out of the bare numbers we created an infographic, in which you can see the top clubs in social media.
The usual suspects for the champions title in football are also at the top of the facebook-ranking. Behind them there is a big gap to the pursuers.
Nearly all clubs have a lot of fans commenting to their posts, but fewest clubs are answering fan requests in public. Generally speaking, there’s no real discussion evolving. Whereas the top-performers on facebook are entertaining their fans by giving them specials on the pages.
There’s a big difference between the tops and flops in general. Not even the existence of a vanity-URL is given for all clubs’ facebook pages. Others are even providing content in several languages.
We noticed favorably that, if a club decides on making use of facebook, this club will use its page really actively.
In this respect, the clubs have already understood what it’s up to: continuity and delivering relevant infomation. The only thing to criticise is the rate of publication, because there often are several posts in a very short period of time. We would recommend to spread the posts evenly over the entire day.
Since this Tuesday, 32 clubs are competing in the UEFA Champions League for the title. Those are the best teams in football. But on Facebook it’s different. We took a look at the pages of the 32 Championsleague clubs and rated them.The "Premier League social media table" by Lewis and the "Top 30 Teams on Faebook" by Activ8Social inter alia gave us the impetus for this survey.
Out of the bare numbers we created an infographic, in which you can see the top clubs in social media.
The usual suspects for the champions title in football are also at the top of the facebook-ranking. Behind them there is a big gap to the pursuers.
Nearly all clubs have a lot of fans commenting to their posts, but fewest clubs are answering fan requests in public. Generally speaking, there’s no real discussion evolving. Whereas the top-performers on facebook are entertaining their fans by giving them specials on the pages.
There’s a big difference between the tops and flops in general. Not even the existence of a vanity-URL is given for all clubs’ facebook pages. Others are even providing content in several languages.
We noticed favorably that, if a club decides on making use of facebook, this club will use its page really actively.
In this respect, the clubs have already understood what it’s up to: continuity and delivering relevant infomation. The only thing to criticise is the rate of publication, because there often are several posts in a very short period of time. We would recommend to spread the posts evenly over the entire day.